Email FAQ
About the Email FAQ
Microsoft 365 provides Marquette University's email accounts for students, faculty, and staff. Here are frequently asked questions about Microsoft 365 email.
What's my Marquette email address?
Students: See how to find your Marquette email address. Faculty and Staff: Learn more about looking up your Marquette email address. Marquette email addresses follow the format of If you and another Marquette student or employee have the same first and last names, IT Services uses your middle initial to provide unique addresses.
What's the URL to log in to email?
Go to and use your Marquette email address and password to login.
Can I access Outlook on the Web from off-campus?
Yes, but you may be prompted to use Duo Multi-Factor Authentication to sign into your email.
Can I change my email address?
You can create an additional email address — using a preferred first or last name that's different from your legal name email address. See "Change Your Display Name and Email Address."
I already have a personal email account. Why do I need Marquette email?
Marquette email serves as an official means of university communication. Also, stable student email addresses ensure messages from instructors reach students.
Can I forward my Marquette email to another account?
Yes, see "Set Up Email Forwarding." But note that IT Services cannot delivery or fidelity of attachments when forwarding your email to another service provider.
How do I set up email mobile apps and desktop software?
Follow these links for email setup guides. Note that the Apple Mail app for iOS and iPad does not work with Marquette Email. (Use the Outlook app instead.)
How do I change or reset my Marquette password?
See "Change Your Marquette Password." If you forgot your password and have set up recovery methods, you can reset your password.
How much space do I get for email?
Students, faculty, and staff receive 100 gigabytes of email storage.
What's the file attachment size limit?
Users can send file attachments up to 100 megabytes per message. Large files and folders you may want to use OneDrive links for. OneDrive is included with your Marquette Microsoft 365 account.
Why is Outlook on the Web grouping my messages?
Outlook on the Web may group messages together in a conversation. To turn off conversation grouping in Outlook on the Web, select the upper-right gear icon. A drop-down menu appears. Under "Arrange message list," select "Show each message separately."
As a student leaving Marquette, how long is my email account active?
Student email accounts remain active for two full terms following the last active enrollment for any term, not including summer. For example, a student leaving or graduating from Marquette in May 2024 keeps email account access until July 2025.