Link and Upload Files While Editing in Modern Campus CMS
While editing a Modern Campus CMS page, you can add a file link to text or an image. Then select, upload, and publish a new file for that link. The CMS allows upload of images up to 1 megabyte, documents up to 1 gigabyte, and text-based files up to 7,000 kilobytes. Video files cannot be uploaded to the CMS. (Use the Panopto video streaming application instead.)
Note: For overwriting an existing file with an updated file, see "Overwriting an Existing File in Modern Campus CMS."
Before uploading an image or document file, make sure the filename is all lowercase. If the filename has spaces, replace the spaces with hyphens. Unless the file is annual material, such as an annual report or fiscal year document, refrain from using years or version numbers in the filename. Omitting dates or version numbers from files lets you overwrite them easily in the future.
Linking and Uploading a New File While Editing a Page
- From a CMS page, enter Edit mode, if needed, by selecting the Edit tab.

- Click or tap the green edit button in an editing region of the page (e.g., "Main Content").

- Select text or an image for the link.

- From the editing toolbar, click or tap Insert/Edit Link icon.

- The "Insert/Edit Link" prompt appears. Refrain from typing into the URL field. Instead, at the end of the URL field, click or tap the File Chooser icon.

- From the CMS, navigate to the documents folder for a document or the images folder for an image.
Important: Attempting to place files outside of the images or documents folders will trigger a permissions error. Also, don't attempt to place images into a documents folder or documents into an images folder. The CMS will give you an error.
In this example, a PDF will be uploaded, so the documents folder is selected as the destination for the file upload.

- You've selected the correct folder for your file. In the upper right, note the Upload button. Keep the drop-down menu set to "Staging." Click or tap the Upload button.

- An "Upload to..." prompt appears. Click or tap the Add button. The CMS prompts you to select files from your device. Navigate to the file, select it and click or tap Open. (Instead of using the Add button, you can also drag and drop a file from your device to the "Upload to" prompt.)

- The filename appears in the upload list. If there is a problem with your filename, such as a filename with capital letters, the CMS will flag the file in red as invalid.

If needed, you can correct the filename by selecting the three-dots icon and choosing Rename. Give the filename a valid name that is all lowercase and uses hyphens for any spaces. Also, remove any special characters (e.g., * ? / : \ [ ] | " & %) from the filename.
- Once the file is valid for upload, click or tap the Start Upload button.

- The file uploads to the CMS server. It is important to note that the file is not yet on the live web server.
If not selected already, select the new file. Click or tap the Insert button to make a link to the new file.

- You return to the "Insert/Edit Link" prompt. Note that the link appears as a code with the letter "f" (for file) and a number set in curly braces — {{f:315867}}. This is a dependency tag. This tag allows the filename to change, letting the CMS automatically update links on other CMS webpages to the changed filename.
Click or tap the Save button.

- You return to the page's editable region. The text or image is now linked. Do not try the linked text or image from the CMS page.
In the upper right of the CMS page, click or tap the Save button.

- Click or tap the Publish button. Note that some authors may have a "Submit button" instead.
- The Publish prompt appears. Note that the Publish prompt has the "Include Unpublished Dependencies" option checked by default. Keep this option checked. CMS is telling you that both the webpage and the linked file will be published at the same time. Compose a version description, noting the addition of the file. Click or tap the Publish button.

- The CMS publishes the page to the live web server and displays a temporary notification on the lower left, announcing the page published. Click or tap the "View in new window" link on the notification.

- The revised webpage appears from the live web server. Confirm the file link works on the live webpage.
Need More Help?
If you have an issue or questions about file uploads, use the CMS Help form.