Insert Video Embeds Into Modern Campus CMS Webpages Modern Campus CMS authors cannot upload videos to Modern Campus CMS. Instead, authors use an embed code to add videos to their webpages. Most embed codes come from Marquette University’s Center for Teaching and Learning. But you can also insert embed codes from YouTube or Vimeo. Make sure you have the video embed code. Go to the webpage where you want to place the video. Click or tap the copyright symbol to login to Modern Campus CMS and access the webpage. Click or tap the Edit tab to edit the page. Click or tap the green Main Content button. You can now edit the main content section of the webpage. Click or tap “insert a snippet” icon. (Use the puzzle-piece icon to get to snippets.) A “Choose Snippet” prompt appears. Scroll to "Video." Click or tap Insert. Click or tap the Video icon. An Insert/Edit prompt appears. In the left column, click or tap the Embed option. A default YouTube embed code is there. Select all in the text area field and delete the default. Paste in your video embed code. For accessibility, make sure to include an embed title that describes the video. Click Save. Be sure to either change or delete the default Latin caption text (“Praesent consequat bibendum lacus, quis dictum ligula pharetra sed.”) appearing under the video. Save the page. Publish the page. Using the publish notification, click or tap “View in new window.” Confirm the video embed is working, and you're done.